Usually Sundays are not the most exciting days in Santiago.
Many shops are closed, streets are empty and in some parts it is even difficult to find a place where to have a cup of coffee.
But fortunately there is something to do now in Chile`s capital on a Sunday...
The only thing you need is the so called “BiP-card“ to use public transportation in the city. And paying just one bus fare, you will be able to get to know Santiago's cultural circuit. The first time you get into the bus that is saying “CIRCUITO CULTURAL“ special assistants will provide a bracelet which is valid the whole day from 10:00 until 18:30.
The stops are called and close to Plaza Italia, Barrio Bellavista, Cerro San Cristobal, Los Teatros, Barrio Patronato, Estación Mapocho, Parque Los Reyes, Galpon de Anticuario, Plaza Brasil, Plaza Yungay, Quinta Normal, Estación Central, Barrio Republica – Concha y Toro, Barrio 18, Centro Civico, Casco Histórico, Barrio Paris-Londres and Barrio Lastarria.
Just ask at your Hotel/Hostel and watch out for people with light green jackets close to a bus stop. They even give you a map with every stop, its surroundings and general instructions inside, even written in English.
Many interesting museums, stores, churches and other sights are already waiting for you. And don´t forget to bring your children – until the age of 12 it is even for free.
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